Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The New Year: Preparing for (Whole) 30

Hello 2016! I've been anxiously waiting for you. Feels good AF to say sayonara to many of the unnamed nouns from my past so I can look to the people, places, things and ideas that will shape my 2016 adventure. Bring it on! Conditioning myself for the best year yet.

Being 29 and skiing down the steep slope to 30 has me cutting through many unmarked obstacles, assessing where I am versus where I always thought I would be at this point. Am I at the right the place in my career? Why am I starting to get fat in new places? Am I in the best shape I could be (physically, mentally/emotionally)? Am I who I want to be in general? Do I have my finances in order? What is in my romantic horizon? Is it ok to not feel settled down? Is it time to stop celebrating Wine Down Wednesdays and Thirsty Thursdays... let's not leave out Sunday Funday? Etc. etc. etc.

With all that uncertainty (that I was just sure would dissipate after my mid-twenties... wrong again) one thing I do know is I can't control 90% of it. What I can take control of is taking care of me. I've decided to spend this year becoming to best person I can be so that when I turn 30 I feel empowered to kick the next decade in the ass!

SO... First order of business, get all that nasty shit out of my body. That's right... the beloved booze, the satisfying sweets, the coveted carbs and let's not forget ALL the holiday treats. I decided the first step to conquering this tall order is to take on the Whole 30. For those of you that know me, you are probably picking yourself up off the floor or pushing your bottom jaw back up to meet the rest of your face after thinking about me not drinking for 30 days. I know I know it'll be a struggle but this weekday Wino and weekend Vodka Victor is gonna pump the brakes for one month. I'll be back to my normal shenanigans before you know it. Here we go....


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